- Author
- Craig Hesling (craig.nosp@m.@hes.nosp@m.ling..nosp@m.com)
- Date
- Apr 6, 2014
TODO: Stick introduction here...
Example: expression is
Example: expression is
Quick Links
Helpful for Debugging
- valgrind –tool=memcheck –track-origins=yes –undef-value-errors=yes –leak-check=full ./expr "1 + 2"
- valgrind –tool=memcheck –track-origins=yes –undef-value-errors=yes –leak-check=full ./expr "1 + 2"
- target remote | /usr/lib/valgrind/../../bin/vgdb
Future Wish List
- Make string_to_expression take a start index parameter. This would allow recursive calls to not need temporary string buffers and syntax errors to contain proper index numbers.
- Handle floats and doubles
- Handle builtin functions